Samson Frederick Samson Frederick

Hi! It’s me! I’ve been laid off!

It all begins with an idea.

It almost feels like a right of passage in 2023, doesn’t it? Do I get a badge or a sticker? I definitely feel like I joined a club - that’s for sure. I’ve done a lot of processing and reframing, and I know I’ll land on my feet. In general, I’m optimistic, but I don’t want to be overly positive about something that is, well, negative.

I really loved my job and I’m going to miss it. I feel bad for my colleagues who probably feel nervous for their job security now. You can’t help but blame yourself. #human

So here’s something quirky! I’m not sure if this makes the news better or worse, but it certainly adds to the whirlwind.

This update happened while Austin and I are in Paris.

That’s right. Laid off while aboard.

The more that sets in, the more I realize what an amazing fun fact i have to share at my next mixer. Oh, and you’re welcome. If we ever wind up playing “never have I ever” together, you now know how to knock me out!

“never have I ever been laid off while traveling abroad”

“Well…. Looks like Samson’s out”

“Take a drink”

It really is a gift though. To be in this beautiful place while I have a chance to rediscover myself. like a movie. I’ve always struggled with over identifying with my work, and this is a chance to find more self identity. I’ve been #funemolyed for only a couple of weeks and I’m already finding so many new things out about myself. Apparently, I enjoy writing! - I blame Paris for that.

Gratitude practice:

I’m grateful for strong friends, a loving partner, and French pastry

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